
Friday, December 30, 2011

A Birthday Sail

The Malibu mountains are so clear and bright. Every shade and hue of the green canyons and brown ravines ten miles away can be seen. The sky is so majestic and blue as the cirrus clouds float by like feathers. The sun is bright and warm on my skin. The waves are calm but delightful as they play against the bow. And the wind brushes the face of the water like a paint brush. I head out to sea for a couple miles and then see a man paddling a large surf board. 'What's he doing way out here?' I ask. Soon a seal surfaces, gasps for air and passes by. Thirty four sailboats grace the ocean from north to south, their sails full and white against the blue. Thank you God for a most beautiful birthday sail! What's my mission this year? To be filled with Gods Spirit and love.and help others. Sounds like a plan.